Do you wake up at night due to shortness of breath? Follow these tips

Do you wake up at night due to shortness of breath? Follow these tips.

Breathing is essential for everyone's survival and if you ever have a blocked nose due to a cold, it becomes a painful stage and you remain restless.

It happens to many people that they keep getting up from sleep due to sudden shortness of breath and this condition sometimes happens overnight. Many people start breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, which leads to a dry throat.

These people wake up from sleep every time, if someone is suffering from asthma or other such condition, he usually wakes up at night due to which he is tired all day long.

Such a situation makes the whole routine of your day completely a cause of anxiety for you and for the workers as well.

Here are some tips to deal with breathing problems and get proper sleep, which you can follow to get rid of the problem.

healthy food

Eating a healthy, balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables, protein, and vitamins is the most important factor in keeping your lungs healthy. Try to balance your diet. Your lungs will be stronger and you will have less breathing problems.

Excessive use of water

People with weak lungs should drink plenty of water throughout the day, as it helps to dilute the mucus produced by the lungs, thus making it easier for you to breathe.

Your daily exercise, yoga and walking also play a role in strengthening your lungs and helping you breathe.

Hot self steam

Steaming hot water also eases your breathing process, as it helps to open your stuffy nose.

Due to environmental pollution, going out of the house without justification can also cause you difficulty in breathing. However, you should follow some tips and avoid the mosquitoes that cause difficulty in breathing. 
